Roadmap to a More Open and Decentralized Internet
1. Establish a DAO. A decentralized, Internet-native organization, registered on the blockchain. Open it up to a global team of Web3 professionals using decentralized apps and distributed ledger technologies, to coordinate on projects and transparently distribute funds.
2. Form a GUILD of independent node operators who help each other earn crypto supporting a variety of blockchain networks. Converting their computers into blockchain nodes helps those networks and ecosystems grow. Every node added increases their ownership and earning potential.
3. Coordinate with investors to CROWDFUND acquisitions of small data centers and local Internet service providers. Gradually change the business model to be more like a co-op; sharing the ownership, governance, equity, and profits, with the workers, customers, and community.
4. Open your LAB of developers and innovators to other companies seeking guidance on how they can make the most of Web3 technologies. Give friendly direction, industry insights, and technical support.
5. Start a NONPROFIT that puts communities first and finds creative ways to bring more people on-line. Empowered by connectivity, to each other and the Web, people in remote communities can communicate, collaborate, and thrive, like never before.
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